We make the difference

We believe in a Green Egypt

Started in 2019. The initiative aims at planting organic essential herbs for export purposes in the deserts of Egypt, turning the deserts into green lands with the least requirements needed and availing work opportunities for skilled and non-skilled labour

The area of agricultural land in Egypt is confined to the Nile valley and delta, with A few oases and some arable land in Sinai. The total cultivated area is 7.2 million feddans (1 feddan = 0.42 ha), representing only 3 percent of the total land area.
With major national developments and investments are taking place under H-E the president Abdel Fatah al Sisi. The area of agricultural lands are expected to grow by 20% in 2030 as per the project of reclamation and development of one and A half million acres.
Expectedly, about 30 to 40 percent of Egypt’s total agricultural productions are targeted for export, with these figures taken into consideration, Egyptian growers and exporters will be determined to Seek Higher Export Trading Opportunities.
With our long term initiative we believe we have an important role to play in expediting the 2030 national vision and help farmers and exporters grow more of organic produce and go green!
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